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Where Your Recovery Starts From Our Heart

Welcome to Heartland Recovery

At Heartland we understand how addiction can affect family members, business relationships, and your own self-esteem. That's why  we want you to know that once you are a member of the Heartland Recovery Family that you are not alone. 

If you, or someone you know is suffering from some form of addiction, then it’s likely a symptom of a bigger issue. Heartland Recovery takes a holistic approach on your whole profile and we treat all of you, not just your addiction. 

Open up your Heart to a New Life

Mission Statement


The mission of Heartland Recovery is to provide comprehensive, safe, cost-effective substance abuse treatment that improves the quality of life of the people we serve through a

caring attitude and a dedication to excellence in all that we do.


After detoxification, the next step is typically a 28-to 30-day stay in residential drug rehab.

Removed from the pressures and temptations of life at home,

residential addiction treatment at Heartland Recovery will give you a time-out

from your life to focus on the work of recovery.


We provide:


Group counseling,

CBT, DBT, Motivational Interviewing Modalities

Individual counseling/therapy

Creative expression through Art and Music 

Recreational and Yoga therapies

Experiential therapies

Horticultural therapies

Psycho-education, Didactic lectures

Relapse prevention workshops, 

Family involvement day and education

Continuing care and Treatment plans

Compulsive Gambling dependence counseling

Exposure and involvement in the 12-Step philosophy

SMART Recovery Model


Experiential Therapies are incorporated into all of our treatment programs at Heartland Recovery.

As the name indicates, experiential therapy involves activities,

movements and actions, going beyond the traditional “talk therapy”.

This therapeutic approach encourages clients to identify and address hidden

or subconscious feelings or issues through activities such as guided imagery, role playing, the use of props and other active experiences.   

Change, emotional growth, and personal empowerment are all among the

benefits of participating in an effective experiential therapy program.

Because experiential therapy clients are often focused on the task or activity at hand,

rather than on the therapeutic aspect of the experience — they are more likely to behave in a more unguarded and genuine manner.


Experiential Therapy is useful in showing clients how to deal with problems and find solutions that replace

compulsive behaviors with healthier expressions for both positive and negative emotions.

For many, it may be the first time they have had to deal with feelings in such a complete way.

When clients learn to replace those negative feelings with positive ones, they can move forward in

their recovery and they learn how to better cope with problems they encounter in their lives.


Residential rehabilitation (after detox) is the next step in the recovery journey.

Our addiction treatment program is the process of learning to live and enjoy life

without drugs or alcohol while therapeutic processes help teach a new way to cope with stress for the future.


An individual case manager/counselor works closely with the resident to address the

accompanying behavioral, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the addiction problem.  

Identifying and working through underlying issues that fuel the substance abuse is how long term recovery is cemented.

This is accomplished through a steady pattern of positive action through our evidence based models.


​During the residential treatment process, the staff continues to

monitor the progress of the man or woman’s addiction recovery program.


One of the goals of inpatient treatment program is to establish awareness

of the potential for relapse and the importance of living in a supportive recovery environment.

Referrals to an IOP, a recovery home (or “sober living home”) and/or private therapy are also considered and given.



the heart of our program



This evidence-based group promotes increase in health, self-esteem, self awareness and a sense of purpose and drive.

Clients will take responsibility for nurturing a plant’s growth as well as clients developing the skills

and confidence to care for both themselves both physically and spiritually.

Gardening gives clients a peace for healing, allowing clients to bond with nature.

By each client connecting with nature, the mind and body begin to heal,

reducing stress, decreasing emotional and physical pain, and finally bringing peace, serenity and security.

Horticultural therapy has limitless benefits, some of which are reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety,

reducing overall stress on the body and the mind, increasing feelings of self-worth and value,

and giving people a sense of purpose and stewardship over the natural world.

Horticulture therapy is essentially utilizing the garden and gardening to promote and support healing of the mind and the body.

Our clients at Heartland will spend time in the garden together, planting, weeding, and maintaining,

and then harvesting whatever fruits and vegetables or herbs that they have grown. 



ART Expression


Art expression is an effective therapeutic tool that can help substance abuse

patients explore their feelings in a non-confrontational way.

Substance abuse disorders will often be rooted in deep emotional pain from

childhood trauma, depression, grief, or other difficult situations.

Learning to process these overwhelming emotions is one of the most important steps towards long-term recovery.

The creative process allows clients at Heartland Recovery to access

repressed feelings and begin to understand the underlying sources of their addictions.  

Art expression is designed to complement other recovery services like talk therapy, medication management, and support groups.



Music Therapy


Music therapy is considered an alternative treatment

that involves music to help a client manage physical, emotional, or cognitive problems.

Music therapy at Heartland Recovery is incorporated into program schedule.

When our client attends music therapy, he or she may be involved in creating, moving to, singing with, or listening to music.



12 Step Models


At Heartland Recovery, although many of our patients

participate in 12-step fellowships close by,

please note that this is not required of every patient.

Every patient’s treatment plan is highly individualized,

so if 12-step meetings are not in their best interest,

we help them explore comparable alternatives.

In fact, our clinical team holds a group meeting where we explore and explain

the differences between several 12-step alternatives.

If the client’s participation is 12 step based,

Heartland Recovery gives them the option to chose from Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.



SMART Recovery


SMART Recovery is a fresh approach to addiction recovery.

SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training.

This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from

addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.

At Heartland Recovery, we want to make sure that after each client is assessed, treatment planning and goals have begun, that each of our clients have a choice and therapist have models to chose that will help effectively with each client.

We love that SMART Recovery can be one of the approaches to choose from.


SMART Recovery vs. 12-Step Programs


Using SMART, it is believed that each individual finds her or his own path for change.

For some, that path may include 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

While the SMART approach differs in some ways from AA and NA,

it does not exclude them. Some SMART participants also choose to attend AA or NA meetings.


For more information please go to





Heartland Recovery offers daily yoga and meditation as part of its program.

Our evidence-based treatment programs include yoga and other mind-body practices

designed to restore your overall well-being and help you develop physical balance and emotional calm.

Some of the ways for yoga to be instrumental in daily recovery are that it Improves focus and awareness.

Yoga can help recovering addicts maintain the concentration necessary to stay mentally strong and focused on their recovery goals. In addition, yoga training emphasizes an awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings without

the need to get involved with them by “numbing out” with substances.

Reduces cravings — Yoga helps individuals develop a calmer state of mind, which goes a long way toward thwarting cravings.

Also, after withdrawal, when the brain is essentially starved of dopamine,

yoga has been shown to increase levels of the pleasure-inducing chemical naturally.

Stimulates the prefrontal cortex — Long-term yoga practice aids in developing the prefrontal cortex,

the part of the brain responsible for self-control and an area heavily compromised by substance use.

Helps conquer insomnia — Yoga provides downtime for the nervous system, with the byproduct being better sleep. 



Meditation and Mindfulness

At Heartland Recovery, clients will find daily implementation of meditation practice to start their day together.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health,

meditation is a mind-body activity intended to promote calm and relaxation

and help people cope with illnesses and improve well-being.

It involves sitting comfortably in a quiet setting, focusing your attention and

allowing thoughts and distractions to pass without assessing them.

It generally involves deep and purposeful breathing.

Meditation can be guided or unguided. In guided meditation,

you will work with a trained meditation or mental health professional.

Unguided meditation is practiced on your own. 

All meditation involves being mindful (or present in the moment),

but mindful meditation emphasizes this. Clients at Heartland will gain knowledge and practice of mindfulness.

In mindfulness meditation, the person works to build his or her awareness of the current situation.

This type of meditation requires a person to examine thoughts,

feelings, and experiences without labeling them as “good or bad” or “right or wrong.”

The person allows sensations and thoughts to pass without judging them as they breathe deeply and rhythmically. 



Compulsive Gambling​

At Heartland Recovery, we offer to help any client with their addiction to gambling.

We have a Certified Compulsive Gambling Counselor on staff to help assess and

facilitate counseling with clients that may need this added to their treatment plan.



Family Program

Our Family Program is designed to assist patients and family members in developing a healthy family system.

Our experience shows that when family members work together in support of one another,

dysfunctional cycles can be broken and intergenerational patterns can be arrested. 

At Heartland Recovery, we offer family sessions, family visitation and once a month family day.





At Heartland, spirituality is embedded in our values and history,

and clients are typically very receptive to exploring their personal spiritual beliefs

— regardless of what they are — and how to leverage them as an essential part of their recovery strategy.


Residential Addiction Treatment

Heartland Recovery

212 Church Street

©2023 by Heartland Recovery. Proudly created with

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